Sell-It Suite Fully Managed Hosting Service

Sell-It Suite Fully Managed Hosting Service – Disaster Recovery Offering

Disaster RecoveryRWA’s Disaster Recovery (DR) offering provides Sell-It Suite customers with the ‘insurance’ of a separate, parallel, maintained environment, located physically separate from their main hosted system.

In the situation where the primary environment becomes unavailable due to a significant ‘event’, the DR offering is able to switch usage from the primary to the DR platform.



We currently offer two DR options:


Database backups are copied nightly to the parallel DR platform which is configured & maintained by RWA Staff. Expected downtime of downtime of 3-4hrs.


Real-time database replication (less the 3 seconds) so no data loss. Near to instantaneous switchover for call centres to DR Platform which will be configured & maintained. Web sites available as soon as DNS updates propagate.

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